Field | Description | Amount |
Total count of companies | total quantity of records (lines) | 224'046 |
Unique emails | quantity of unique emails | 84'723 |
Data field name | Description | Amount | Percent |
Address | company registration address | 224'031 | 99% |
Name | company name | 224'015 | 99% |
Phone | contact phone number | 216'753 | 96% |
City | company registration address city | 207'638 | 92% |
Activity | company activity | 197'304 | 88% |
Postal code | company registration address postal code | 190'162 | 84% |
Province | administrative territorial unit - province (state) | 107'129 | 47% |
Code | company registration code | 64'358 | 28% |
Contact e-mail | company contact e-mail | 45'018 | 20% |
Registration date | company registration date | 35'105 | 15% |
Internet site | company internet site | 29'196 | 13% |
E-mail (domain) | company webpage e-mail addresses are connected with the website internet address | 21'198 | 9% |
VAT code | company VAT code | 17'175 | 7% |
E-mail (other) | company webpage e-mail addresses are not connected with the website internet address | 13'069 | 5% |
Fax | fax number | 11'593 | 5% |
Employees | number of employees | 10'719 | 4% |
Turnover | annual turnover | 10'388 | 4% |
Contact person | company contact person | 10'362 | 4% |
Capital | company authorized capital | 9'881 | 4% |
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